Summer has finally arrived and if you’re anything like us, it feels like it was only Christmas last week and the Summer season should be nowhere in sight (the scary thing is, we’re closer to Christmas this year than last)!
We’re here to tell you that it’s not all bad. Yes, Summer in the UK never really feels like Summer due to what seems like never ending rain. But we’ve had a good start so far and fingers crossed, the good weather will continue and if it does, it won’t be long before we’re complaining it’s too hot and asking for it to rain again – we can never win! There are some key factors that make our Summer, mainly the kids school holidays.
School’s Out!
The dreaded! The Summer school holidays are the most anticipated school holidays of the year, certainly in our experience (6 weeks off, they must be, right?). So now comes the time of year where parents everywhere are taking time off work to look after their beloved children, spend some quality time with them and enjoy it while they still can. It won’t be long until they’ve grown up and only speak to you when they need something, usually money. It’s only now that they’re so cute and angelic and if you think they always will be, well, you’re probably in for a shock.
Now for those still working Monday to Friday, 09:00 – 17:00, this is great! Not only are there no kids darting across the roads, but there’s less traffic too, which means that snooze button can be pressed one more time.
But we digress, school holidays are about refreshing our children’s minds so they are rejuvenated and prepared for the coming year. I dare say they may even be excited for it, although this may be wishful thinking on our part.
Days out are a great way to do this. Let’s face it, there’s only so much Peppa Pig we can tolerate without losing our minds. So, we find ourselves thinking, what’s there to do that the kids will enjoy and is enjoyable for us too? Theme parks are what come to mind. They’re full of entertaining things that children love, but has many things for us adults too. Not to mention the amount of walking necessary sends the kids straight to sleep at the end of the day…. after the obligatory candy floss of course. Now, it wouldn’t be a trip to the theme park without spending a small fortune on the claw machine, queuing for hours for rides and winning copious amounts of 2 pence pieces on the 2p machines, which exist for reasons beyond our knowledge. But by the end of the day, you’ve all had a fun day, created some wonderful memories and most importantly, worn the kids out…. until tomorrow, where you’ll find yourself thinking, only 5 weeks and 6 days to go.
Stay tuned for the next exciting Summer time instalment.