Family-owned dairy company, Lancashire Farm Dairies is finishing the year on a high after seeing growth in sales of £37.9m, leaving them on target to surpass their 2020 projected growth of £40m.
The Rochdale-based company’s substantial investment of more than £3.5m in a new plant following increased product demand has been instrumental in driving growth. The plant increased capacity and capability in terms of milk intake, processing, filling and storage, increasing the amount of milk Lancashire Farm Dairies processes by 100%.
The machinery currently processes upwards of 130,000 litres of milk a day, 365 days a year. The brand has a continuous investment program to invest and upgrade the site, ultimately to drive greater capacity and efficiency.
In addition to this investment, Lancashire Farm also attributes its rapid growth this year to several key hires across the business. Their energy and drive have helped the sales of the innovative and fast-paced yogurt brand.
Jack Morrison, brand manager at Lancashire Farm Dairies, said “As a brand we’re always looking to evolve. The business has grown ten-fold over the past decade, and during a time of growth which has seen the company boost in sales, our investments are proof that Lancashire Farm Dairies is going from strength-to-strength and is continuing to move forward as a key market player.”
Lancashire Farm Dairies has been producing high quality, natural yogurt with locally sourced milk for 35 years. The yogurts are made with free-range milk, with guarantees the cows used are grazing for a minimum of 150 days a year. Over the past three years, the company and brand has grown by 96%.
Lancashire Farm Dairies has had strong success within the retail market, with products stocked at all the big supermarkets including Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Iceland, Co-op, Aldi and Lidl. Most recently, their products have been stocked in Booths, a testament to the Lancashire Farm brand outgrowing the market.
Morrison continued: “We are a very ambitious business with strong aspirations to grow. We’ve got the drive and ambition to succeed and see ourselves as competing with the national players like Müller, Yeo Valley and Onken. They’re in our sights and we’re looking to take them on.”
As well as their own products the brand also produce own-label yogurts for a number of retailers and operate in key markets such as wholesale and key ingredient, all of which have seen positive growth this year.